Sunday, July 31, 2011

to meet new people

to meet new people
is okay and then
they will be your
friends to meet
some new people
is good for
you so you will
make alo t friends
so you can talk
to them to
meet some new
people is not
scary thing to do
at all to meet
new people is
very easy and is
not hard either

Saturday, July 30, 2011

is hard to let go

is hard to let go
like is very hard
to let the people
who really loves?
you alot are very
hard to let go
before you off
to college and
you waited ao long
to go for your
life to let
go the people
who you really
love you alot is
very hard to
say bye to before
you off to college

Friday, July 29, 2011

is hard to be you

is hard to be
you many people
think that is easy
to be you but to
me is very hard
to be you well
i think that is
kinda hard to be
in three places at
once and you never
have time for
you but you
can't be in three
places at once is
not impossible thing to do

Thursday, July 28, 2011

how will you feel if someone will leave you behind?

how will you feel if?
someone will leave you
behind will you feel?
sad or happy if
someone else done
this to you is
kinda hard because
that person is moving
to another state
how will you feel?
if someone will leave
you behind  is
kinda hard to
do and sad thing
to feel you
will feel sad
about it

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

is change good to you?

is change good?
to you if you
is hard to do
well don't be
is change to You?
For me very hard
to do change
is scary to
do some people?
think that
change is not
scary well i
think is very
scary to do is
change good
to you

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

to be with the people who loves you

to be with the
people who loves
you is a feeling
that you have inside
to be with a family
is to be much loved
to the people
by the people
who you really
love the most
to be with the
people who love
you are not to
feel unloved
anymore don't feel
unloved when
someone who loves

Monday, July 25, 2011

how do you feel when you won something?

how do you feel when?
you won something
you just be happy
for it you took
most of your life
to won something
and you should feel
very proud of
you how do you
feel when you
won something
you should feel very
proud and happy
to yourself everyone
is very proud
of you and you
won something

Sunday, July 24, 2011

is not hard to be yourself

is not hard to be
yourself to be you
is very simple to
people some people
think that is
hard to be yourself
and some people don't
i think that is
easy tp be yourself
i want everyone to
learn on how to
be yourself in
front of people
just being you
is not really hard
to be you

Saturday, July 23, 2011

have faith in yourself

have faith in
yourself you should
have faith in yourself
everyone have faith
in themselves when
you loose something
and you can't find it
you try to find
everywhere but you
can't find it have
faith keep looking
for what you need
when you found
it keeps holding
in don't let it
go you believe
in yourself

Friday, July 22, 2011

is okay to make mistakes

is okay to make
mistakes no body
is perfect but
you are not stupid
some people make
mistakes is hard
to be perfect all
the time no
one is that
perfect don't
let yourself
to say that you
are stupid person
you are not stupid
you are a smart person
to make mistakes
in life is okay

Thursday, July 21, 2011

how do you feel to be betray from your best friend

how do you feel to
be betray from your
best friend is kinda
sad feeling to have
inside you cannot
betray your best friend
with another person
to betray your
best friend is very
sad thing to do
betray your best
friend is way worse
to loose  your
best friend and that is how
do you feel to?
be betray from
your best friend

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

don't feel bad

don't feel bad
when you have that
feeling you think
that you are a bad
person but you
don't have to be sad
to feel bad about
yourself don't feel
bad when you just
make mistakes is
okay to make mistakes
don't feel bad at
all you are not perfect as you
think you are
no body is perfect
to feel bad is
not a part of perfection

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

when you feel bad how do you feel inside

when you feel bad how
do you inside?
will you feel to cry?
when you feel for
someone you will feel
a strong feeling inside
of you in your heart
when you just make
someone to cry you
will feel a very
sad feeling inside
of you don't feel
that way don't
feel bad and you
didn't make someone
to cry you are a
wonderful person and
a wonderful friend

Monday, July 18, 2011


frustration is
another word for
sad and is a sad
feeling that you
feel inside
frustrarion is like
kinda of depression
but a little sad
to feel frustration
is to very sad
thing to have
when you feel
kinda sad thing
to have frustration
is a kinda sad to have

Sunday, July 17, 2011

how do you survive?

how do you survive?
is to watch over
for when someone
needs your help
can you survive?
that like someone
is fighting with
someone that is
another part of
how to survive?
to be survivor
is to fight
for yourself
when you feel
scared or nervous
that is when
you feel to survive?

Saturday, July 16, 2011

trust in yourself

trust in yourself
is a very important
thing to have
you should trust
in yoursrlf if
you fail that
okay and if
you fall just
pick yourself
up and walk
trust in people
you should always
trust in yourself
all the time
just try all over
just trust in

Sunday, July 3, 2011

don°t be hard on yourself

don|t be hard  on
yourself when life
is hard on you
you don|t have to be
hard on you to
be hard on yourself
 is not good for
and is a bad
feeling that you feel inside
don|t be hard on
yoursrlf and don|t
be hard on people
either so you
don|t have to be hard on
yourself just to
being you

Saturday, July 2, 2011

life is not easy

life is not easy at
all you cannot handle
life is very tough
thing to do life
is hard you have
to live it life
is not easy some
people think that
life is not easy
and some people
don´t people like?
me trust me
life is so tough
on people that
is why people say
to themselves life
is not fair

Friday, July 1, 2011

is hard to be yourself

is hard to be yourself
like you cannot handle
every thing at once
is so hard to be
yourself when you
work so hard and you
cannot handle that
it is so hard to
be yourself you
don´t have to feel alot
pressure to yourself
you don´t have to
work so hard to
be you to be hard
to yourself is a
feeling that you
cannot handle it