Friday, September 30, 2011

you don't have to be scared all the time

you don't have
to be scared all
the time is not
helpful for you
to feel alot
of people they
always feel scared
all the time
and some people they
don't to be scared
all the time is
not good to feel
you don 't have to
be scared on the
things you do
in life just feel
proud to yourself

Thursday, September 29, 2011

is scary to move on

is scary to move
on with your
life  after
high school is
alot scary for you
you are not
ready to move
on some people
say that they
are not ready
to move on with
their life to
move on is scary
than to let go
when you hit the
big twenty that is
when you are ready to
move on

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

to be heart broking

to be heart broking
is way worse than
to get over with
your first love
to feel heart
broking from
your first love
is very sad thing
to feel when
you find out
that you first
love has another
girlfriend behind
your back is the
first part to be
heart broking with
your first love

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

to be unloved

to be unloved is a
very sad thing to feel
inside of you alot
of people sometimes
they feel unloved
and some people don't
to be unloved is
the saddest feeling
ever that you feel
don't feel unloved
like i never do
you don't have to be
that at all you be
loved by anyone but
i feel loved
by people

Monday, September 26, 2011

you are not alone

you are not
alone everyone
is there with
you always and
the people who
loves you also
there for
you whatever
you need they
are there in
both sides  you
are never alone
they are all around
you all the time

Sunday, September 25, 2011

to be with a family who loves you

to be with a family
who loves you  is
the same way to
be surrounded who loves
you but this
is with your family
your family is
the number one
to you they
love you alot they
have been supportive
to you all this
year they are so
proud of you on
the things you do
in life

Saturday, September 24, 2011

surrounded by the people who love you

surrounded by the
people who love you
is the best feeling
ever to be with
the people who love
you that make
you so lucky
no body wants you
to feel sad at
all they care
about you all
times to be
surrounded by the
people who love
you are the ones
you will miss when
you are of to college

Friday, September 23, 2011

you don't have to feel sorry to yourself

Image Detailyou don't have to feel
sorry to yourself you
didn't do something
wrong at all some
people they feel
sorry to themselves
and some people they
don't at all
you have a hard
time to yourself
and then you will
feel sorry to
yourself don't give
yourself such a hard
time to yourself
and don't feel sorry
to yourself either

Thursday, September 22, 2011

who are you inside?

who are you inside?
some people say that
they are no one
at all and that is
saddest feeling
to feel inside
of you and some
people say that they
is someone inside?
of them don't
feel that you are
no one at all you
is someone wonderful?
inside of you but
to me i m someone
all the time you don't
have to feel that way anymore

who are you inside?

who are you inside?
some people say that
they are no one
at all and that is
saddest feeling
to feel inside
of you and some
people say that they
is someone inside?
of them don't
feel that you are
no one at all you

who are you inside?

who are you inside?
some people say that
they are no one
at all and that is
saddest feeling
to feel inside
of you and some
people say that they
is someone inside?
of them don't
feel that you are
no one at all you
are someone wonderful?
inside of you but
to me i m someone
all the time don't
let no one to feel that

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

is hard to get over your first love

is hard to get over
your first love
Image Detailto get over your
first love is
sad thing to do
if you feel to
cry when you just
get over your
first love is
okay and is hard
to handle that
also when i get
over my first love
it was hard for me and
then when i get
over that i feel
very proud of myself

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

to get over with your first boyfriend

to get over with
your first boyfriend
is kinda sad thing
to do and is hard
to get over also
if your first boyfriend
have another girl
friend behind your
backyou have to
get over him
and if you have
some pictures together
throw it away you
have a life i
just get over with
my very first boyfriend it
was hard for me but i get it

Monday, September 19, 2011

be respectful

be respectful alot
of people are
respectful to
people and some
people they don't
i want everyone to
be respectful to
everyone and also
i want them to
learn how to be
nice to people
you should be very
respectful to people
i always have been
very respectful to
everyone everywhere
i go in life

Sunday, September 18, 2011

listen to the music of your heart

listen to the music
of your heart alot
of people their
listen to the music of
their heart and some
people don't i want
everyone to listen
the music of your
heart you will find
out what do you want?
in your life and
who do you want?
to be in your life
i always listen to the
music of my heart all the

Saturday, September 17, 2011

listen to your heart

listen to your heart
if you want find
out on who do you?
want to be and what
do you want to do?
with your life alot
of people their always
listen to their heart
and some people don't
you should always
listen to your heart
all the time
i want people to
listened to their
heart i always
listen to my heart
all the time

Friday, September 16, 2011

don't get mad at yourself

don't get mad at yourself
is a very bad thing
to do alot of people
their always get mad
at themselves and
some people don't
when you are doing
something wrong you
don't have to get
mad at yourself
and when you are
at work you have
to control your
anger that you have
inside of you  i
never get mad at
myself at all

Thursday, September 15, 2011

face the music

face the music
is when you are
mad st someone
before you fight
you should think
the act inside
of you when
you are scared
at something
just face the
music to face
the music is to
control your anger
into music make
music inside of
you i always face
the music

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

you can live your life

you can live your
life don't let
no one to live
your life you
can live your life
in so many ways
you want to
is okay to live
your life by yourself
some people can live
their life and
some people don't
i always live
my life everyday
of my life and
no one can tell me how
to live my life

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

how to be a good friend

how to be a good friend
is to be nice to everyone
alot of people know
how to be a good
friend some people
know how to be
a good friend and
some people don't
i am a very good
friend to everyone
i want people to
know how to be a
good friend for
everyone but be
careful is kinda hard
how to be a good
friend most of the time