Thursday, May 31, 2012

back home

back home is
like back to
reality back
home is a very
good thing to
be back from
some people
they love to be
back home and
they happy also
and some people
they take it
sort of hard home
is a place that
you go back
to some people
their love to
be back home
when they are
away and some
people they
also take it
very hard to
be far from the
whole family

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

going back home

going back home
is like going back
to reality life
again to work and
school and to going
back to study again
that what you miss
the most to study
and to be by yourself
again at home going
back home is what
you want to go
back you know that
you had tons of fun
to be with your
family and you miss
them so much and
you want to be
with them and to
see them again
going back sort of
both of happy and
sad also

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

the last day to be together with your family

the last day to be
together with your
family gets together
again for the last
day just to being
together and to
talk and enjoys
their company you
know that is sort of
sad to be together
for the last day
and times just think
this way this is
what you do with
your family to get
together so their
got the last chance
to see you and
talk to you and
just to be with
you again

Monday, May 28, 2012

having fun with your family to be together

having fun with
your family to be
together is a good
thing to do having
tons of fun with
your whole family
is a very sweet
and a good thing
to be with someone
from the people who
love you and it has
been so supportive
to you to have
fun to be with
your family it will
you to feel very good
and loved inside
of your life

Sunday, May 27, 2012

the last night to be altogether as family

the last thing to
be altogether as
family because
is time to go?
own their ways
and is time to
and life with
work and school
again to be
with your family
for the last time
is sort of sad
because is sort
of hard to say bye
to your family
when you feel
that is to do
feel inside
and because you love

Saturday, May 26, 2012

the first day of New Year

the first day of new year
is when the new
things is happening
in your life you
could start the new
things and new
beginning as your
life it goes around
you today is the
official day you
start with your
promises that you made
that way it could
help on what you
want to start first
that's what you
do in the first
day of everything
new year is today
so why start now
and enjoy how
do you want to start?

Friday, May 25, 2012

how do you celebrate New Year with your family?

how do you celebrate new?
year with your family
some families celebrate
a nice warm small
gathering for dinner
and enjoys the company
for each other if
you are from
you and your family
celebrate like a huge
party that is how
I celebrate the
new year with
my whole family
gathering and
around you that
is a deal to celebrate?
the new year with your family

Thursday, May 24, 2012

new beginnings

new beginnings is the
start of everything
again from your life
new beginnings is
a very good thing
is to start your
life into the
things from the
beginning that a
good thing to do
with your life
to have new beginnings
is a very good thing
in your life is
to have new things
in your life if
you have new
things in your
life and you to
start something
new in your life
that is to have
new beginnings
in your life

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

how do you feel to be far from your best friends for new year?

how do you feel to?
be far from your best
friends for new year
you will feel sort of
sad inside because
you want to be
together with your
best friends and
to be far from
your best friend
that is also sad
for you because
you want to be
there for her
for the new year
your best friends
mean so much to
you and your
friendship also
mean so much
to you and you
don't want to
be far from your
best friends for
new year

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

don't give up with your resolutions

don't give up with
your resolutions
because is a very
bad thing to do
and if you are
giving up you
don't believe
on everything you
could do in your
life resolutions
is a promise to?
keep and to stick
it and that's is
how to believe
in yourself work
so hard to stick
it and to keep
in yourself and
your life don't
give up with

Monday, May 21, 2012

to have resolutions

is a very good
thing to have
resolutions is a
promise to you
and to keep and
you stick to it
that is a resolution
does to have
resolution is a very
good thing of you
make a lot of
resolutions you
keep of this
promises and to
stick it don't
give up just
to work a lot and
to work hard that
is what you do
when you have
resolutions in life

Sunday, May 20, 2012

to be all together for new year eve

to be all together
for new year eve
and to have your
whole family all
together for new
year's eve is to be very
loved to be with
them to be with
your family you will
feel so loved to
be with the people
who love you by being?
together it made
you to feel very glad
to feel inside to
be with the people
who love you that
really have been
so supportive to
have in your

Saturday, May 19, 2012

don't let your sister to be like your ex best friend

don't let your sister
to be like your ex
best friend because
you don't want
to let her like
your ex best friend
because what
your ex best friend
did to you was
over the line
and you don't
need that again
from your own
sister in your
family but your
ex best friend was
the meanest thing
a best friend
ever done to you
so don't let your
sister that way

Friday, May 18, 2012

how do you feel to be together with your family?

how do you feel to be?
together with your
family is to be
very loved to
be together that
made you very lucky
to feel inside and
happy about it to
have a family to
be together that
it made you to feel
very proud about
it by having your
family together that
what you will feel
to be with them
you must be very
loved inside is
a very good thing
to have

Thursday, May 17, 2012

to change a life for your best friend

to change a life
for your best friend
is a very good thing
to do for someone
like your best
friend is trying
to work so hard
to change her life
you could help
her out is a
very good to
change someone
in your life and
about you to
change a life
is so hard thing to?
do you just need?
someone to help
out and that's
to change a life

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

to be such an inspiration from your best friend

to be such a
an inspiration from
your best friend
is a good thing
to be in life your 
best friend it
could inspire you
with so many things
you could do in
life if your best
friend is doing a
very good thing
about herself that
will also make you
to be inspire best
friends always
inspire to each
other for something
with their work
so hard together
you will have it  in life

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

to be good friends with your step dad

to be good friends
with your step dad
is a very good
thing to be being
as such good friends
with your step dad
is a sweet thing
to have between
with a step dad
and you to share
a good friendship
together is a sweet
thing to have
with your step dad
because your step
dad could be a
very good friend
to have you
do everything with
him and also you
could think your
step dad as your
good friend in life

Monday, May 14, 2012

best friends from sisters

best friends from
sisters is the
best thing to
have in your life
and you must be
very lucky and
glad to have some
one in your life
it will be as a
best friend and
your sister also
like your sister
as a best friend
and your best friend
as a sister that is
the two people that
you must be very
glad and lucky to
have with you in your

Sunday, May 13, 2012

to have a favorite person in your life

to have a favorite
person in  your life
is a very good
thing to have
inside you
could talk to
him about what
everything you want
because is your
favorite person
to have a favorite
person in  your
life it relate
to you he's always
there by your
side for talk
to you to have
a favorite person
in your life is
an feeling that
you have inside
of you it could
make you be happy
about it

Saturday, May 12, 2012

to be looked up for your brother

to be looked up for
your brother is a
very good thing to
be if you take
good care and
give a lot of love
and to watch for that
is what is looked
up is for people
and if you do every
thing for him and
to be concerned about
what happens?
you are always
be there for him
and you care a lot
about him and love
him so much that
is the meaning of?
to be looked up for
someone in life you take
your life to love from

Friday, May 11, 2012

to be an inspiration from people

to be an inspiration
from people is a
very good thing to
be inside if
you are an inspiration
to people that is
when you involve
them with everything
is an amazing
thing to be and to
have in what you
do in life you must
be very happy to
be an inspiration by
the people around
the world that's
an incredible thing
to be in life because
you inspire people
that's what I
feel about myself
that is to be
an inspiration to
people or by the

Thursday, May 10, 2012

to have a caring friend by your side

to have a caring
friend is a very
good thing to have
if you have a
caring friend that
is when is by your
side when you need
someone she's there
your caring friend
she understands
what you feel
inside if  you need
someone to talk
to she's there
to have a caring
friend in your
life is a very good
thing to have your
friendship means a lot
to her you could
run to her to talk she loves you

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

to be best friends with your step mom

to be best friends
with your stepmom
is a good thing
to have and to
be also by being
best friends with
your stepmom
is a very good
to be best
friends with
your stepmon
because you
could do everything
with her to be
good best friends
is a good thing
to be  with
someone from
your family

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

how does it feel to be very famous where you come from?

how it does feel?
to be real famous
where you came
from is a very
good thing to
have if you are
a real famous from
you came from
is a very good
thing to have
and to feel you
must be very
happy and proud
about it to be a
real famous is the
best feeling that
you feel inside
to someone
from she came from

Monday, May 7, 2012

to be mentors it runs from the family

to be mentors it runs
from the family
from everyone and
want to be mentors
for someone to
be a mentor in the
family it runs from
everyone to be
a mentor for each
other it runs in
the family is
a very good thing
to be a mentor
for someone is
the family and
is an important
thing to be from
people in the

Sunday, May 6, 2012

how does it feel to have your family by your side

how it feel?
to have your family
by your side is a very
good thing to have
by you because your
family is always by
your side no matter
what to have your
family by your side
you must feel loved
and protected and
that is a very good
thing to feel inside
your family always
make to be very
proud for your
accomplishments on
what you do in life
to have and is a very good
thing to feel they're
there and your family
always has been very
supportive for you

Saturday, May 5, 2012

to be an inspiration to your sister

to be an inspiration
to your sister
is when you feel
very loved and
lucky to be an
inspiration for
your sister to be
an inspiration is
a very good thing
to be for someone
in your life to
be an inspiration
for someone out
there and you feel to
be an inspiration for
your sister also
from your family

Friday, May 4, 2012

how it feel to be looked up from your brother?

how does it feel?
to be looked up
from your brother
is very good
feeling to have
inside that why
how much your brother
loves you to be looked
up is a feeling
to show how is
a person how
much they love
each other to
be looked up is
a very good
and a sweet
thing to do for

Thursday, May 3, 2012

to have a sister as a best friend

to have a sister
as a best friend is
a very good thing
to have she under
stands what you
feel inside your
sister is a person
you can talk to
a sister is a person
that's cares
about you and
you could relate
to her and help
her but when
she has some
problems a sister
could be a best
friend to when
you have a lot of common with

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

a daughter's love

a daughter's love
is a very good
thing to have and
is sort of hard at
keep it and have
it inside when
it comes wrong
sometimes a daughter's
love is an important
thing to have inside
of you from your
life a daughter's
love is a love
that a mom has
for a daughter
inside is a very
good and sweet
thing to have

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

don't let your best friend to treat you as a slave

don't let your best
friend to treat you
as a slave is a
very mean to be treated
by someone
don't let someone
to treat you as
a slave is a very
bad thing to
be don't let
your best friend
to treat you
as a slave because
is a bad thing
to be treated
by someone so
don't let your
best friend
to treated as a slave