to be strong

is the best
to feel
you should
always feel
strong inside
of yourself
is the feeling
that you should
moving on from

your love
life is
it could be
kinda both
hard at
first but
towards at
the end
is very
i m already
did from
my love life

having your life
on a re bound is
very bad
thing to be on
as you go
to life
you should
put your
life on
a re bound
at all
you shouldn't
put yourself
on a re bound
as you goes
by life in
is not a good
thing to
at all
you are
to be on
a re bound
letting go
from your

past is
the hardest
to let
go to
your past
matter to
you always
from the
person who
you are
your opinions
always matters

to a lot
of people
because that
way is the
most important
to be in life
your opinions
no matter
to people
to have an
empty heart

is very
sad thing
to have
you shouldn't
be that way
you should
have a happy
full heart
just don't
have an
empty heart
don't never

think about
that you
are not
enough you
think that
about you
that is
just wasting
your time
by thinking
that about you
you should never

think about
that you are not
good enough
you shouldn't
feel that
about you
that is very
saddest feeling
to be and to
have inside
of you
miser ability
is another

that you
always feel
when your'e
either sad
and depression
is the most
saddest feeling
to have
and to
have inside
there's absolutely

nothing that
is easy by
let go nothing
at all
because to
let go is
always hard
for you
sometimes is
easy to
but is always
letting your
love life go

is always so
hard by letting
it go
because to
go on and
move on from
your love
life is
also hard
for you
just by
letting go
to let love
to get away

you shouldn't
do that
is a bad
thing to do
you should have
love always
in your life
there's a lot
kinds of love
that you should
have in life
loneliness is
the saddest

feeling to feel and
to be
it comes
from sad
that goes
from deep
down to the
most saddest
that you
don't have to
have is depression

you shouldn't feel
that you don't
is the most saddest
to have inside
you should feel
that you always
from where
you are
in life
around the world
there's so many

of definition
and meanings
all of them
they're comes
around the
world is a
part of life
as you goes
by life
and another
part all of them
is love
friendship and
sisterhood is
the same meaning

in between
them because
your sisters
are like
best friends
and your best
are like your
sisters both
of them they
meaning are life

life has many
of meanings
all over and
around it
and one of
them is
because is the
same way
with love
there's a lot
of friendship
in life
best friends

has a bond
that can't be
replace from
each other
because they
can't stand
to be apart
and separated
from each
other best
friends can't
be replace

best friends
have a kind
of love that
cannot be replace
because their
love are
too strong
that can't
replace from
each other
no matter
when they
have a fight
their love is
right there
best friends
they should

love each
other no
matter what
between them
their love
is lasted always
they should
have love
for each other
best friends

should make
very happy
more than
to make them
sad frustrated
and angry
when they
fight best
they make
very happy
to each other
sometimes is kinda

hard to keep making
your best friend
because both of
you always fight with
each other
but to you it
could make a
harder sacrifice
to make her happy
i can't tell
you what is

worse between
making the
same mistakes or
fall on the
same mistakes
on what you
did again
they are
like the
same way
making the old

same mistakes
over and over
is a very bad
thing to do
don't do the
same old mistakes
over again
making mistakes
is okay is not
okay to make
the same ones
you should never

replace what you
have with your
best friend
what you have
with your best
friend means
the world to
you don't replace
that because
is the most
saddest thing
to do