Wednesday, October 9, 2019

how to be independent person

to be an independent person
is doing everything by yourself
you don't have depend on no one else
you know to maintain your daily
routine going to work and sometimes go back home on your own again make yourself
lunch get your lunch do your laundry
etc. you have all of the skills and tools
to do everything alone without someone
to be there you can also be alone as well
your favorite is to be home alone and do
everything when naturally what you do
and hanging with yourself watching tv netflix
in the couch  and relax and taking your
sister's dog which to you is like one of
you wanted to live independently now you
can you know what to do and how to as well
like cooking making your own lunch or dinner
or you can help others
as well in the kitchen since you know
and love to cook and make food
making expresso coffees to clean
the kitchen every day
you don't have to tell where are you going
whether to go down to the gym or to help
out going to the market for the house
or what your parents need
you just know also going to get breakfast
also you already know what do they like
to have if something is missing or running off
you just know

that's is to be responsible independent person
is you think of yourself and to others
that is the most important trait
and skill and a lesson to be taught

you have been taught by your sister and your parents
you feel very blessed and lucky by it

and your sisters and your parents are so blessed lucky
and so proud of you every day

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