
Wednesday, November 30, 2011


freedom is
a strong word
to have everyday
freedom is like
a feeling that
you feel inside
of you to
have freedom
is a very good
thing to have
alot of people
have freedom
and some people
don't when you
see something
and someone making
fun at someone that is
when you have the
freedom of speech

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

to be proud of

to be proud of  is to be
very proud of yourself
to be proud of is a
feeling inside of
you all the time
alot of people they
are proud of themselves
and some people they
don't to be proud of
is a very good
thing to have
and is a very good
feeling to feel
inside of you
someone think that
she is proud of herself
that person is me

Monday, November 28, 2011


emotions is a feeling
that you feel
inside of you
alot of people
have very different
emotions inside
of them inside
and some people
don't everyone
sometimes their
have happy emotions
and some people
their have sad
someone feels very
kind of happy emotions
that person is me

Sunday, November 27, 2011

to be under pressure

to be under pressure
is very saddest
thing to feel
inside of you
to be under pressure
is way worse than
to be pressure
all the time
alot of people
feel under pressure
and some people
they don't sometimes i
feel under pressure
every now and then you don't
have to feel the
pain of under pressure

to be under pressure

to be under pressure
is very saddest
thing to feel
inside of you
to be under pressure
is way worse than
to be pressure
all the time
alot of people
feel under pressure
and some people
they don't sometimes i
feel under pressure
every now and then you don't
have to feel the
pain of under pressure

Saturday, November 26, 2011

how does it feel to be torture?

how does it feel to?
be torture from someone
is to be so tired
to work for someone
if someone is
torture you all
the time is
not good to
be torture at
all alot of
people feel torture
and some people
don't i've nerver
feel torture
at anything at all to
be torture is kind of
sad thing to feel

Friday, November 25, 2011

how you feel when you are saying nice things to someone and your best friend left you behind

how do you feel when?
you are saying nice
to say to someone and
your best friend
left you behind
you will feel a little
sad about it and
you think that
your best friend
is mad at you
because you were
saying nice things
to someone do you
think that way
your best friend
left you behind
and feeling mad

Thursday, November 24, 2011

to have a closed friend

to have a closed
friend is very
good thing to
have to have
a close friend
by your side
and you talk
to that close
friend is okay
to be alone and
be with someone
alot of people
their have a close
friend in their
life i have a
close friend that i
care alot

Wednesday, November 23, 2011


gratitude is a
feeling that you
have inside
to have gratitude
is a very good
thing to have
alot of people
have gratitude
inside of them
and some people
don't you should?
have gratitude
all the time
gratitude is
a feeling that
made you very
proud to be who
you are

Tuesday, November 22, 2011


emptiness is a
emotion that you
feel inside of
you to feel emptiness
is very sad thing
to feel emptiness
is way worse than
to be empty inside
of yourself you
don't have to feel
emptiness all the
time like i never have
at all i
don't want everyone
to feel that
way as i never felt
none of everyday

Monday, November 21, 2011

is hard to let go

is hard to let go
like is very hard
to let  the people
who really loves?
you alot  are very
hard to let go
before you off
to college and
you waited so long
to go for your
life to let
go the people
who you really
love you alot is
very hard to
say bye to before
you off to college

Sunday, November 20, 2011

you should know about the right and wrong things

you should know
about the right
Image Detailand wrong things you always
do in life you
should do the
right thing in
your life you
shouldn't do the
wrong things in
your life that
is bad thing to do?
with your life
you should do the
right things with
your life all the
time like i do
all the time

Saturday, November 19, 2011

do you hate to fight with your best friend?

do you hate to fight?
with your best
friend you should
hate to fight
with your best
friend to fight
with your best
friend is kind of
mean to do and
is sad also some
people love to
fight with their
friends and alot
of people they
don't especially
i hate to fight
with my best friend

Friday, November 18, 2011

is hard to be you

is hard to be you
because you can't handle
nothing the things
around you is hard
to be you all the
time and is way
to hard to be in
three places at
once alot of
people they think
that is not hard
to be yourself at
all and some people
think is hard to
be yourself people
like sometimes me
when we are
feel that is hard
to be ourselves as
we are going to life

Thursday, November 17, 2011

when you are depress what do you feel

when you are depress
what do you feel?
would you feel?
sad all the time
when you are
depress all the
time you can't eat
well you can't sleep
well either when
you are depress
all the time is
a saddest feeling
ever you shouldn't
feel that way
just like everyone
feels like when
they are depressed
you shouldn't feel
that way about you

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

do you suffer depress

do you suffer of?
depression to
suffer of depression
is very sad to do
if you suffer of
depression you are
cryinng everyday
alot of people
they always suffer
of depression and
some people they
don't if you
suffer of depression
if you have some problems
that you can't stop
let me be the one
whose be by your side
don't feel that about

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

don't feel hopeless

don't feel hopeless
to feel hopeless
is a very bad
feeling to feel
you don't have
to feel that
way alot of
people they feel
that all the
time and some
people they
don't there's
someone doesn't
hopeless at all but she feel
hope inside of
her that person
is me

Monday, November 14, 2011

do you feel special?

do you feel special?
inside of you do
you feel good
about you if
you feel special
about you that
means that you feel
good about you
the real you inside
of yourself alot
of people they
feel special about
themselves and
some people they
don't  but someone
always does feel that she
is special
and that
person is me

Sunday, November 13, 2011

what made you special?

what made you special?
there so many things
that made you so special
to feel special
is a very good thing
to have inside
alot of people
they feel special
about themselves
and some people they
don't what things
made you so special
inside of yourself
special inside of
yourself someone
does feel special
and what thing
what made her feel?
special that person is

Saturday, November 12, 2011

be a winner

be a winner is
a very good thing
to have to be
a winner is
better than
to be a loser
alot of people
they are a winner
all the time and
some people they
don't you should?
be a winner all
the time you
should feel a
winner at everything
you do with your

Friday, November 11, 2011

don't call yourself loser

don't call yourself
loser you are
Image Detailnot a loser you
always been a
winner from
the rest of
your life alot
of people they
call them
a loser all the
time and some
people they don't
you shouldn't call
yourself a loser
at all you always
have been a winner
all the time

Thursday, November 10, 2011

the fact of love

the fact of love
is to be together
if you know the
fact of love
you are believing
in love alot
of people know
about the fact of
love and some
people they
don't i used to
know the fact of
love when i was
with my first
and it
is so hard to
handle the fact of

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

don't feel ashamed of yourself

don't feel ashamed
of yourself is very
sad thing to feel
inside of yourself
alot of people
they feel ashamed
of themselves
and some people they
don't you
don't have to feel
ashamed of yourself
at all you don't
have to feel
that all the
time if you
feel that it
means that you are
nothing at all

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

to be depressed

to be depressed
is kinda sad to
feel to be depressed
all the time is
saddest feeling
to feel inside
of yourself alot
of people they
feel depressed
all the time and
some people they
don't and there's
someone that
she never stops
crying and she feels
ashamed of herself and
she feel depressed all the
time that person it wasn't never be

to be depressed

to be depressed
is kinda sad to
feel to be depressed
all the time is
saddest feeling
to feel inside
of yourself alot
of people they
feel depressed
all the time and
some people they
don't and there's
someone that
she never stops
crying and she feels
ashamed of herself and
she feel depressed all the
time that person it wasn't never be

Monday, November 7, 2011

how do you feel when you are crying?

how do you feel?
when you are crying
you will feel something
inside of yourself
is hard to stop
crying is okay
to cry just let
it go what
do you feel?
inside of youeself
and when someone
is crying it made?
you to feel bad
about yourself
and then you
will start to

Sunday, November 6, 2011

how it feels when you see someone yelling at the other person

how it feel
when you see someone
yelling at another
person you will
feel bad about
it for the other
person alot of
people they feel
good when someone
is yelling at other
person and some
people they don't
you should feel
bad about that
person is kinda
sad to feel bad
at the person

how it feels when you see someone yelling at another person

how it feel
when you see someone
yelling at another
person you will
feel bad about
it for the other
person alot of
people they feel
good when someone
is yelling at other
person and some
people they don't
you should feel
bad about that
person is kinda
sad to feel bad
at the person

Saturday, November 5, 2011

be true to others

be true to others
you should be
true to others
if you are a
people person
you should be
true to others
to be true to
others  is very
important emotion
to feel inside
of yourself
i want people
to learn to
be true to others
to be true to
others is to be
you all the time

Thursday, November 3, 2011

be true to your heart

be true to your
heart is a feeling
that you have
inside to be
true to your
heart is another
way to be good
about you
should be true
to your heart all the time
i want people
to be true to
their heart all
the time alot
of people are
true to their heart  like
me all the time
be true to your
heart is a feeling
that you have
inside to be
true to your
heart is another
way to be good
about you
should be true
to your heart all the time
i want people
to be true to
their heart all
the time alot
of people are
true to their heart  like
me all the time

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

be true to yourself

be true to
yourself is
a very good
thing to do
alot of people
they are true
to themselves
and some people
they don't if
you are true
to yourself you
are true to
your heart and
you are true to
others you should be true
to yourself

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

to be yourself

to be yourself
is the best
feeling there
it is to feel good
about yourself
to be yourself
is a short advice
that i can give
you don't feel
scared to be
yourself alot
of  people they
feel good about
themselves and some
people they don't
to feel good about
themselves just
be you