you should be
your own artist of
your own life
is very good
the artist of
you are becoming of
make your life
even more
beautiful in your
own way
you will be
always the
artist from
your life
being an artist is one of the
best to be
in life you
can be so many
ways by being
an artist
to be an artist
is one of the
best description
of yourself
in life
is the best
thing to be
an artist is by the creator
of the meaning
of life
is when you
think that
you could think
so many to be
in life that
means that
your'e an
artist in
own yourself
you should always
be happy
every day in
life sometimes
is hard when
it's getting harder
and tougher but
you should be
happy in life
being happy
is very good
thing to feel
inside every day
by succeeding
is the main key by trying again
don't feel that
you won't going
to succeed you
will succeed in
life i know
you will if
you will try
again you
will in
when you fail once again
don't give up
work hard is
ok when you
fail again just
swallow your pride
you don't need to
get mad if
you fail again
just keep up
and hold on
just try
to be judge mental is always
bad thing
to be you shouldn't
being that
once in awhile
is not that
bad but if you
are that way
a lot than
that is
bad thing
to be
you shouldn't never be
in life
ask yourself
this question
why i shouldn't
be pessimistic
in life?
you will and
should find
out the right
answer life
to be optimism in life is
the best thing
to be in life
optimism is a
feeling that
you feel inside
and from is
what makes
you to feel
amazing inside
of yourself
you shouldn't be pessimistic that
what you shouldn't
be at all and
the least that
you shouldn't
never be
pessimistic is
the negative one
that you shouldn't
never be in
life i m not
allow no one
to be pessimistic in
you can always be optimistic in life
that what you
can do in life
always you should
willing could be
always is very
good thing that
you could be in
life as you go
by in life
for once this is what i am
for real
i m glad and
lucky to say
about myself
for real i m
the person who
considered every
one what they
are and from
they are
the real me
is the person
who loves
who i am about everything
question to
yourself as
you go by in
life what do
you feel inside
of yourself
you will find
the answer
as you go by
in life the
answer should be
an positive one
to be
you should never feel by run away from
don't feel that
you shouldn't
feel that way
that's one of
the most saddest
feeling and thing
to do
you should
feel glad
and happy in
there's a way
by meeting your
inner self from
inside of yourself
sometimes is hard
to meet your inner
but it's is very
easy to do
you can meet
the person who you
are inside of
you should always enjoy your life
every day
you can try to
enjoy it is
not that hard
to enjoy it
to enjoy your
life is a great
thing to do
you should
enjoy your
life every day
you don't need to
get scared about
what you are
doing in
you don't need
to by having
to think that
way don't
get scared
about what
you are doing
for yourself
and your life
unless that
no body knows
how life is
like everyday
because life
is that is
always gets
people feels
a lot of pressure
and frustration
life no one
knows how is
whatever is like is to be whatever
you could be
in life
to be everyday
is like is
that's is
what is life
is hard to
handle to
that's to
be is like
not always that loneliness is a
part of you
if you feel
that way
about you then
maybe it is to
you but not
always when
you feel depress
you will feel
that way
but you don't
want to
as you go to
life everyday
as you are
already know
about life
and there's
many things
that you didn't
knew what
you had about
your life
that you
should know better
about your
the way that
dreams works
is wishing
you want
to do with
your dreams
and who do
you want and
what you want
to have
you dream
of whatever it is
it will come true