to give up on

fairy tales is
bad thing but
by never giving
up on fairy tales
is a promise that
you shouldn't give
up on them never
again you should
always keep
that promise
to yourself
in life
to have fairy
tales is very good

thing because
fairy tales could
be a wonderful
thing to have
in life you
could have fairy
tales if you
want to feel
good and
inside of
in life

sometimes happy
endings could turn
in fairy tales
and sometimes
they don't if
your so in love
you will feel
that they do
but some people
in their cases
they don't feel

every time when
as you are getting
older you will
feel like you
will live your
own life like
when you were
younger that's
the only way
you could do
when your
turning older
is a good thing
to do
when you made

some mistakes
you should always
learn from all
of them by
learning from
your mistakes
is very good
thing to do
as your going
to life every
day remember

question this
to yourself
do you believe in
if it's okay
to believe in
them that
mean that you
believe in happy
endings if life
takes you
down and
showing nothing
what your worth
that's is what
you believe
some people think

to themselves on
believe in fairy
tales are the
dumb and stupid
to believe in
but there's
other people
they think that
is good romantic
and beautiful
it is okay to
believe in fairy
you shouldn't

give up from
all the things
that comes
to you
to have all
the things that
you are
those comes
straight to
you that
why you
shouldn't give up
by using your

mind to be an
artist is the
key of being
of a true
artist you can
use the mind
by picturing
while your
creating your
passion by being
an artist your
mind is your true