
Wednesday, October 9, 2019

dreaming about your best friend

have you lately been dreaming
about your best friend?

it been 3 months since she passed away
so it's ok if you have dreaming about her
because you still have her in your mind and heart
and keeping talks about her constantly when you
pass the tv going through all the channels and
all of the sudden a movie comes on which it is
one of her favorites or when you're listening
to music and song comes on and it is one of her
favorites singers and songs that she loves to hear
and of course
you're thinking about her
it is normal to you?
yes it is but also a little
sad as well
but you're been very good
to keep holding on
and to be strong
you don't have an explanation
why you're keep dreaming about her
and to have her in your mind and heart
and that you're keep talking about her
here's why because she still lives on
inside of you
even though you still miss her so
very much every day you don't have to breakdown
in tears all of the sudden
just keep hanging there and hold on
and just keep yourself distracted and
busy don't let yourself to breakdown
you could just keep thinking all of
funny and happy memories that you have
with her back those old days in
school all of the hangouts that you have been
with her

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